Essential Companion Tickets Introduced for Belfast Giants Home Games

With continued success of the Stena Line Belfast Giants, we want to ensure that our pricing structure remains fair for everyone, none more so than our disabled fans.
The SSE Arena, Belfast and Belfast Giants have consulted with leaders in the field of disabled access (Attitude is Everything and Level Playing Field) for guidance on how to ensure fair pricing.
From the start of the 2023/24 season, we will be changing the pricing structure for disabled fans to offer an Essential Companion* ticket (if required) at no additional cost. This means that if you are attending a single game, disabled customers will pay for a full price ticket, and if required, can avail of an Essential Companion* ticket at no additional cost once they have submitted evidence of eligibility via Ticketmaster.
The proposed changes will bring the Belfast Giants in line with all other events held in The SSE Arena, Belfast, in terms of implementing the same pricing structure, access to tickets, and availability of Essential Companion* tickets.
*An Essential Companion is someone who is required for a customer to attend an event and is responsible for the safe evacuation of the disabled person in the event of an emergency.